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  1. Nov 18, 2022 · Figures of speech are around us all the time (and that’s not hyperbole!), but it’s the deliberate deployment of them that makes writing stand out (did you catch that alliteration?). Below are examples of figures of speech in literature and poetry. Metaphor in “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou. The caged bird sings. with a fearful trill. of things unknown. but longed for still. and his tune is heard.

  2. Here are a few examples of the different figures of speech in English grammar. Simile – Rachel is as bright as the sun. Metaphor – The whole world is a stage. Personification – The wind whispered in my ears. Apostrophe – O William, you should be living now to see all this. Alliteration – Sally sold some seashells. Assonance – I seem to like your little green trees.

  3. Figure of speech is a powerful tool to enhance the meaning and expression of language. It can create vivid images, emphasize emotions, and convey messages in different ways. In this webpage, you will find the definition and a list of various types of figure of speech, such as metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, and more. You will also see how they are used in literature by famous writers and poets. If you want to learn more about figure of speech and how to use it effectively ...

  4. Figure of Speech Definition. What is a figure of speech? Here’s a quick and simple definition: A figure of speech is a literary device in which language is used in an unusual—or "figured"—way in order to produce a stylistic effect. Figures of speech can be broken into two main groups: figures of speech that play with the ordinary meaning of words (such as metaphor, simile, and hyperbole), and figures of speech that play with the ordinary arrangement or pattern in which words are ...

  5. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players!". One of the most memorable lines in the English language, this sentence is a perfect example of figures of speech. They help lend the prose a lyrical and fresh quality. Let us learn more about figures of speech.

  6. These are the most common types of figures of speech in English. Figures of speech play a significant role in English speaking and writing. You don’t necessarily use all types of figures of speech on a daily basis, but they act as a powerful tool in writing. In this article, we’ll go over the top 20 figures of speech that you need to know to improve your overall English language skills.

  7. Figures of speech make up a huge portion of the English language, making it more creative, more expressive, and just more interesting! Many have been around for hundreds of years—some even thousands—and more are added to our language essentially every day.

  8. A Broader Definition of Figure of Speech Some sources do not differentiate between "a figure of speech" and "figurative language," meaning the two terms are often used interchangeably. As a result, you may encounter the following alternative definition for "figure of speech": Figure of speech: the use of words in an unusual or imaginative manner.

  9. Ask a Question Ask a Question figure of speech, any intentional deviation from literal statement or common usage that emphasizes, clarifies, or embellishes both written and spoken language.Forming an integral part of language, figures of speech are found in oral literatures as well as in polished poetry and prose and in everyday speech. Greeting-card rhymes, advertising slogans, newspaper headlines, the captions of cartoons, and the mottoes of families and institutions often use figures of ...

  10. We use figures of speech in figurative language to add colour and interest, and to awaken the imagination. These pages explain and give examples of simile, metaphor, hyperbole and oxymoron. Vocabulary for ESL learners and teachers.