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  1. Jan 6, 2018 · Only Suta did not stand up. Balarama felt insulted and at once killed him. When Balarama regained his composure after the intoxication receded, he felt guilty for his deed. His belief that killing of Suta would enable him to attain a place in Brahma loka proved to be based on false notion as the Brahmins had shunned him for his deed.

  2. And beholding the son of Surya--Karna of the Suta tribe--like unto fire, or Soma, or Surya himself, resolved to shoot the mark, those foremost of bowmen--the sons of Pandu--regarded the mark as already shot and brought down upon the ground. But seeing Karna, Draupadi loudly said, 'I will not select a Suta for my lord.'

  3. Oct 23, 2018 · The Suta, the Vaidehaka, the Kandala, that lowest of mortals, the Magadha, he of the Kshattri caste (gati), and the Ayogava, 10.27. These six (Pratilomas) beget similar races (varna) on women of their own (caste), they (also) produce (the like) with females of their mother’s caste (gati), and with females (of) higher ones.

  4. The following are the links:- Suta Samhita Volume 1 Suta Samhita Volume 2. The description of Lord Shiva as Dakshinamurthi is contained Suta Samhita 3.4 in the 4th chapter named Mocakakathanam of the Mukti khaṇḍa. The entire chapter is dedicated as such to Dakshinamurthi, however the word Dakshinamurthi appears in verse 45 and 48.

  5. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

  6. Nov 15, 2017 · 10.17. From a Vaisya are born in the inverse order of the castes a Magadha and a Vaideha, but from a Kshatriya a Suta only; these are three other base-born ones (apasada). 10.18. The son of a Nishada by a Sudra female becomes a Pukkasa by caste (jati), but the son of a Sudra by a Nishada female is declared to be a Kukkutaka. 10.19.

  7. Suta is a subclass, which originates, when a Kshatriya man begets a child to a Brahmana woman: If a Kshatriya begets a son upon a Brahmana woman, such a son, without being included in any of the four pure orders , comes to be regarded as a Suta The duties of a Suta are all connected with the reciting of eulogies and encomiums of kings and other great men.

  8. Jan 14, 2018 · 6. Sage Shaunaka, is well known for being an active listener of the Mahabharata which was narrated by Sage Suta. The Wikipedia page on Sage Shaunaka is a bit ambiguous. It mentions that Shaunaka refers to a class of teachers: Shaunaka is the name applied to teachers. and also as an individual: Shaunaka had a prominent role in the epic ...

  9. Jul 15, 2021 · Further, if one looks at the possibility Vyasa himself foreseeing and talking about Suta narrating the Puranas, such a contention is not tenable as, while discussing about the origin of the Puranas, it is said Vyasa condensed the Purāṇa of 100 crore shlokas to four lakh shlokas. The possibility of the big Purāṇa, itself including in itself, the narration by Sauti, is little out of place.

  10. Balarama purified Suta by killing him. Not only He purified, He also gave the boon. So, there's no need to regret. However, due to rules of world and physical body he donned, He incurred the sin of Brahmana slaughter. He expiated the Brahmana sin by taking dip in Lakshmana tirtha in Rameswaram. 70-73.

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