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  1. re3data Call for Editorial Board The registry has been in operation for over 10 years and provides a curated index of over 3,000 research data repositories around the world from all disciplines.

  2. Re3data is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines.

  3. The Registry of Research Data Repositories ( is an open science tool that offers researchers, funding organizations, libraries, and publishers an overview of existing international repositories for research data.

  4. click to zoom into subjects or to select a bottommost subject in the hierachy as filter for the re3data search page. shift + click on a top subject to select it as filter. Typology, Non-European Languages, Historical Linguistics. General and Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies.

  5. Aug 29, 2023 · Today, re3data is the largest directory of RDRs worldwide, indexing over 3,000 RDRs as of March 2023. re3data is widely used by academic institutions, funding organizations, publishers,...

  6. The data extracted from re3data are also increasingly harnessed to survey the landscape of digital information infrastructures. Notably, scholars in information science turn to re3data for studies pertaining to Open Science's evolution. In our article, we shed light on ten key challenges and insights from the past decade of managing re3data.

  7. The Registry of Research Data Repositories ( is a global registry, with more than 2,400 detailed data repository records, and is widely acknowledged as a tool for the identification of suitable repositories for research data.