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  1. 5 hours ago · The smaller male horseshoe crabs would probably prefer some privacy when they stack up like this on a female, but unless you're a trained "citizen-scientist" who is "linked with Limulus" you may not have a clue that they're doing their parts to ensure the next generation

  2. 14 hours ago · The largest dinosaurs, and the largest animals to ever live on land, were the plant-eating, long-necked Sauropoda. The tallest and heaviest sauropod known from a complete skeleton is a specimen of an immature Giraffatitan discovered in Tanzania between 1907 and 1912, now mounted in the Museum für Naturkunde of Berlin.

  3. 14 hours ago · limulus : 推,感謝馬修大大 62F 09/29 08:51 推 Championlins : 太久沒颱風警報了緊張難免,後面就愈來愈熟練了! 63F 09/29 08:53 → Championlins : 幫推~~!