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  1. Sep 30, 2024 · A 2020 film by Nicole Newnham and James LeBrecht. Join us for our first film screening of Autumn Term 2024. All welcome! No registration needed!

  2. 14 hours ago · The Imperial College Business School was established in 2003 and officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II. Formerly a constituent college of the University of London, Imperial became an independent university in 2007. [9] Imperial is organised into four faculties: Engineering, Medicine, Natural Sciences, and Business.

  3. 7 hours ago · Goldsmiths' Catherine Rottenberg said, "Like advertisements that sell objects by objectifying women and their bodies, this seems to be a similar strategy. Attractive women are good for business."

  4. 14 hours ago · BDS-Plakat mit übermalter Israel-Flagge, Melbourne 2010. Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions („Boykott, Desinvestitionen und Sanktionen“, abgekürzt BDS) ist eine transnationale politische Kampagne, die den Staat Israel wirtschaftlich, kulturell und politisch isolieren will, um ihre im Jahr 2005 beschlossenen Ziele durchzusetzen: Israel müsse die „Okkupation und Kolonisierung allen arabischen Landes“ beenden, das „Grundrecht seiner arabisch-palästinensischen Bürger auf volle ...

  5. 14 hours ago · 김 작가는 런던대학교 골드스미스 칼리지(Goldsmiths College University of London)에서 순수미술 학사 학위를 받았고, 런던 유니버시티 칼리지에서 박물관 ...

  6. 14 hours ago · 김 작가는 런던대학교 골드스미스 칼리지(Goldsmiths College University of London)에서 순수미술 학사 학위를 받았고, 런던 유니버시티 칼리지에서 박물관교육학 석사, 왕립예술대학(Royal college of Art)에서 현대미술 석사 학위를 각각 받아 이론과 실력을 겸비한 재원이다.

  7. 14 hours ago · [헤럴드경제[부산]=임순택 기자] 세계적으로 주목받는 예술가의 뜻깊은 전시회가 부산에서 열린다. ㈜해성아트베이 미술관은 내달 1일부터 10일까지 ‘김유라

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