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  1. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, and they usually combine into multi-celled organisms (i.e. plants and animals).Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus, and they exist as single-celled organisms (i.e. bacteria). You can always differentiate a bacterial cell from an animal or plant cell, because the bacterial cell will have free DNA and plasmids ...

  2. Plant cell walls are primarily made of cellulose whereas bacterial cell walls are made of peptidoglycan. Animal cells lack cell walls.Animal and plant cells are eukaryotic. They have an organised nucleus where their genetic information is stored. Plant and animal cells have their genetic material organised in linear chromosomes.

  3. Sunlight is converted to energy via photosynthesis. In contrast, animal cells use their mitochondria to produce energy from food. Vacuoles can be considered “space fillers” in plant cells since they can occupy up to 90% of the plant cell volume. In addition, the vacuole also contains a range of enzymes capable of performing diverse functions.

  4. Similarities: They both have mitochodria, cell membranes, nuclei. Differences: The plant cell has a cell wall and chloroplasts

  5. An animal cell looks a bit more like a fried egg - it does not have the wall so is more fluid.A plant cell has a hole in the middle which is filled with sap containing nutrients that the cell needs to grow. An animal cell does not have this.Finally, a plant cell has things called chloroplasts which contain something called chlorophyll, this ...

  6. FunctionBoth animal and plant cells can carry out respiration due to the presence of mitochondria. Both animal and plant cells can carry out protein synthesis due to the presence of ribosomes.Animal cells and plant cells differences:StructurePlant cells also contain chloroplasts, a cell wall and a vacuole, these are not present in animal cells.

  7. Both animal and plant cells have cytoplasm, a nucleus, cell membrane, mitochondria and ribosomes. In both animals and plants most cells are specialised and adapted for their function. Both cells can be viewed with a light microscope with some structures visible with a transmission electron microscope. However plants also have chloroplasts, cell ...

  8. A cell is a basic unit of life. An organelle is a structure inside a cell with a special function. Most animal cells have the following parts: a nucleus, cytoplasm, a cell membrane, mitochondria and ribosomes. In addition to the parts found in animal cells, plant cells often have: chloroplasts, a permanent vacuole filled with cell sap. Animal ...

  9. firstly, animal cells and plant cells are both eukaryotic cells which means both cells have nuclear material within a nucleus. As well as this they will both have cell organelles such as mitochondria. And finally they both contain cytoplasm. However there are some key features that plant cells have which differ from animal cells.

  10. What are the key cellular differences between bacterial cells and plant and animal cells? Unlike animal and plant cells, bacteria cells lack membrane bound organelles including: mitochondria, chloroplasts and a 'true nucleus'. Instead Bacterial DNA forms a single strand within the cytoplasm. Bacterial DNA differs from animal and plant DNA.