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  1. Apr 23, 2014 · In the standard ΛCDM model of the Big Bang, the universe is infinite and has always been such. The Big Bang singularity happened everywhere, in the sense that far back enough in time, the density diverges to infinity at every place. But this is just a particular model--it assumes that the universe if spatially flat and is globally homogeneous ...

  2. Nov 12, 2016 · According to special relativity, the universe has no centre. Any nonrotating object travelling at any constant velocity slower than the speed of light is a valid frame of reference and in its frame of reference, the centre of the universe is the place where the big bang has occurred. There is no timelike line that all observers agree is the ...

  3. May 15, 2023 · A model is a description of HOW. A theory is an explanation involving a human: a theory has to be understandable by experts, either in full or piece-by-piece. A model, on the contrary, needs no human; it may even be a mathematical, arbitrarily long and cumbersome description processable by a computer. Since the Big Bang contains both the WHY ...

  4. That is, the Universe started out as bluish (when T ≳ 104 K T ≳ 10 4 K), became whitish at an age of around 200,000 years (when T ∼ 5-6000K T ∼ 5 - 6000 K), and then gradually went over orange and red at t ∼ 1Myr t ∼ 1 M y r before fading into the infrared. This evolution is completely analogous to the colors of stars of a given ...

  5. Apr 14, 2021 · In the BBN section, they describe that the universe contains a mixture of photons, electron-positron pairs, and ... cosmology. big-bang-theory. cosmological-inflation. nucleosynthesis. particles. Astroturf. 1,111. asked Apr 19, 2021 at 18:56.

  6. Mar 18, 2017 · The Planck epoch was the earliest epoch of the Universe and lasted until 10−42 10 − 42 seconds after the Big Bang — that's 200 Planck times, which are the shortest meaningful measurement of time. During this epoch, the entire Universe was at 1.417 ×1032 K 1.417 × 10 32 K, which is the Planck temperature.

  7. May 18, 2014 · 4. In and of itself, no the expansion of the universe is not proof of the big bang. Other theories could be constructed that would also be explained by the expansion. For example Fred Hoyle and others proposed the Steady State Theory which proposed that new matter was constantly being created thus causing the expansion.

  8. Nov 5, 2013 · Since, supposedly the Big Bang started with a very tiny singularity blob (at least for this theory), smaller than a marble, then there ought to be various vector trails (even if they are fragmented or somewhat askew, blurred or dissipated) of some sort going back to the marble size singularity state or at least into the outward edge area of the 'super' iflation phase (especially since matter is not uniformly spaced and would have to change direction and consistancy in order for large areas ...

  9. Jul 6, 2018 · 13. No one knows what came before the Big Bang if, indeed, anything did. Theories include: The Ekpyrotic universe theory where the BB was the result of the collision of branes. Various oscillating universe theories where the expansion of the universe ultimately reverses into a Big Crunch. Quantum fluctuation models where a zero-net-energy ...

  10. Following the Big Bang the Universe continues to expand, presumably and roughly equally in all directions. It is understood that the Big Bang occurred 13.798 ± 0.037 billion years ago. Is there any way for us to know how far we are away from the nearest edge of the expansion front of the Big Bang? universe. big-bang-theory.

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