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  1. 本网页回答了revenge和vengeance两个词的含义和区别,以及它们在不同语境中的用法。revenge表示报复或报仇,vengeance表示复仇或报仇,两者有时可以互换,有时也有细微的差别。

  2. The antonyms of perseverance are quitting, giving up, and abandonment. The antonyms convey the opposite meaning of perseverance, which is to stop doing something, to give up, or to abandon a task or goal.

  3. Revenge와 vengeance는 비슷한 의미를 가진 단어이지만, 개인적인 이유와 대의, 정의를 되찾기 위해 복수한다는 차이가 있다. 이 글에서는 원어민의 해설과 예문을 통해 이 두 단어의 사용법을 알아보자.

  4. Câu hỏi rất hay. Cụm từ "with a vengeance" chỉ một hành động diễn ra một cách dữ dội, quyết liệt. "Revenge" là hành động "Revenge" is the action done, "vengeance" is the noun to describe the action of revenge. "Retaliation" is the return of an attack, it doesn't necessarily have the same intention as "revenge" to inflict pain on something done wrong, it's just fighting back. Although, "retaliation" can also be a form of "revenge." Ex: When someone yells at ...

  5. 「revenge」は復讐を、「vengeance」は復讐という行為を指します。 また、「with a vengeance」は激しく、徹底的にという意味になります。 これに対して「retaliation」は、必ずしも「revenge」のように復讐という意味合いがあるわけではなく、単にやり返すことを意味します。

  6. 这是个好问题! Revenge和vengeance是具有相似含义的词,但它们并不完全是同义词。 Revenge意味着报仇,通常是出于更多个人原因的不满。 Vengeance不是个人目的,而是报仇以恢复事业和正义。例子: They sought vengeance on the corrupt government. (他们He wanted revenge on the thief.腐败的政府He wanted revenge on the thief. 。)例子: He wanted revenge on the thief. (他想报复小偷。)

  7. The most common meaning of the phrasal verb beat down is strong sunshine or intense sunlight. It is often used to describe hot and sunny weather conditions that make it difficult to stay outdoors.

  8. 很好的問題!with a vengeance 這個用詞是指徹底、有力的程度。revenge 是指已完成的復仇、vengeance 則是形容復仇的動作。而 retaliation 是指回擊,不一定跟 revenge 一樣、有對過失施加痛苦的意圖,只是代表單純的反擊而已。不過,retaliation 也能當成一種 revenge 的形式。 例句: When someone yells at you, don't retaliate by shouting back. (有人對你吼叫時,不要反擊叫囂回去。) 例句: The new rule is ...

  9. Feb 17, 2016 · Vengeance Is Mine 释义 [电影]复仇在我 双语例句 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, vengeance is mine; i will repay, saith the lord. 亲串的弟兄,不要自己伸冤,宁可让步,听凭主怒。(或作让人发怒)因为经上记着,主说,伸冤在我。我必 ...

  10. Jan 6, 2012 · 《鸿门宴》,英文片名为《white vengeance》,翻译为“白色复仇”。李仁港解释,这是为了让外国人更直观的了解这部戏讲什么,“如果英文名为《项羽和刘邦》,外国人如果不了解那段历史根本不知道在说什么。

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