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  1. 末影人的原型slander man是否真的存在呢?. 为什么很多人很喜欢他?. - 知乎. 末影人的原型slander man是否真的存在呢?. 为什么很多人很喜欢他?. 他的特征是身形非自然的瘦长,有一张空白、没有表情和特征的脸孔,而且经常穿一套全黑色的西装,结上黑色的领带 ...

  2. › topic › 20056383瘦长鬼影 - 知乎

    瘦长鬼影 ( 英语:Slender Man或Slender ),也直译作瘦长的人或音译作斯兰德人、斯兰达人,传言是一个源于美国的都市传说角色。. 他总是会不停的变换杀人的手法,没有人知道他的目的到底是什么,他的脸上没有五官,但是有四条甚至更多的胳膊和腿,可以无限的 ...

  3. slender man,slender是瘦长的意思。. 他是美国的一个都市传说,形象是一个身形瘦长,穿着黑西装,没有脸的人形怪物,有些传说中他背后还有触手。. 我觉得他和吉特达木人是挺像的。. 下面是高清大图,如果胆子特别特别小的请谨慎观看:. 好吧其实是我自己 ...

  4. Dec 31, 2021 · Anonymous #3. any person with that mindset, you shouldn't want to date anyway. backwards and dumb. learn to become confident, fake it till you make it baby. you attract way more girls being confident rather than nitpicking trivial things about yourself like how big your hands are. trust me. people can smell insecurity. i used to be insecure and ...

  5. Jun 5, 2015 · 9 years ago. Anonymous #2. When I messaged/snapchatted my ex-boyfriend I'd be talking about normal stuff and he'd just get really turned on. He knew I sleep naked, so if he was talking to me and he knew I was in bed, just knowing I was texting him whilst naked would really turn him on. Not intentional haha idk guys are odd sometimes.

  6. Yes, they can check. Its usually in the event of an accident or something like that that they go around checking, but they could check at any time. If you are caught lying, then they can refuse to pay out in the event of an accident (so it proves expensive for you). They can also cancel your insurance policy, which will screw you over in future ...

  7. 3. You need to gain muscle.. Eat good food, lift heavy and pump urself up. When your upper body is all big and heavy no one will noticed ur curvy hips. By the way by the time you will get that pumped up body ur hips will lean by the exercises. Even if they dont.. when u have wide shoulders no one notices them.

  8. Your hands are perfectly fine. The only way they could be "girly" is if you applied pink nail-varnish. Im an 18 year old black guy and my hands might even be a bit skinnier than yours. I feel wierd about it and people point it out but I still eat a lot and go gym so im sure theres nothing you can do.

  9. jas149. I've always preferred slim and skinny guys to those that go to the gym regularly, i've never understood why having a lot of muscles is a good thing but oh well. So no being slim definitely doesn't make you less attractive. It's just about personal preferences, some girls like big guys and some like slim/skinny guys.

  10. 瘦叔相关游戏我可以推荐几个,手游的话《Slender Rising》画面感觉很好,场景较多,结尾有逃出生天的可能。. 分难易度和白天黑夜暴风雨模式,推荐它的第一部。. IOS有的,安卓不确定。. 安卓的话《Slender's Street》和《恐怖无脸男》都挺不错,点进去页面下方会 ...

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