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  1. rhiannapratchett.comRhianna

    Rhianna Pratchett is a multidisciplined writer who grew up in the '80s watching movies like Terminator, Aliens and Conan the Barbarian. She thought that fighting killer aliens or robots from the future (and possibly James Earl Jones) was just something women did.

  2. Rhianna Pratchett is a multidisciplined writer who grew up in the ’80s watching movies like Terminator, Aliens and Conan the Barbarian. She thought that fighting killer aliens or robots from the future (and possibly James Earl Jones) was just something women did.

  3. Rhianna Pratchett, renowned video game writer, and Konstantin Sakhnov, game producer and teacher at HSBI, discuss what makes the storyline really work to retain gamers, how to inspire loyal players, how to fail their expectations and what tools does a professional storyteller have to assemble a really working narrative mechanic.

  4. Working with Triumph Studios and Codemasters as writer, Rhianna acted as co-story designer and co-audio director on Overlord and its expansion, Overlord: Raising Hell. The Writers’ Guild of Great Britain’s Best Videogame Script award was bestowed upon Rhianna for her work on the game.

  5. Rhianna was delighted to be asked to co-create the story for this beautiful game. As protagonist Vic, players must learn to understand and tame fantastical creatures which lead her through a variety of ecosystems – all in the hope of saving the planet from a life-consuming infection.

  6. As part of Scholastic’s revitalization of Fighting Fantasy, Rhianna penned her own quirky take on the books becoming the first woman to write for the popular non-linear adventure series created by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson in the 1980’s. Rhianna’s writing though is what makes the book so special.

  7. Rhianna is a bright, skilled and professional writer with both the drive and the talent to make positive contributions to any project she is involved in…” Chris Bateman, Co-Founder, International Hobo

  8. In her first collaboration with Marvel as part of their celebration of its women characters, Rhianna wrote Cry of the Jungle featuring Shanna the She Devil and Silver Sable. read more

  9. Rhianna worked with Crystal Dynamics as Lead Writer for Tomb Raider, helping to build the narrative from a synopsis to a full game. Rhianna’s role included creating the story treatment, world building, fleshing out the character bios and relationship webs, casting prep, performance feedback and writing the full cinematic script.

  10. In this ten part show, Rhianna takes us on a tour across the enchanted British Isles to discover mythical creatures that lurk in all corners of the land. She meets Black Dogs, Dragons, Water Demons, Redcaps and Mermaids and uncovers what they can tell us about our history, our world and our lives today.