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  1. What do the different onion icons in the address bar mean? The Onion Service is served over HTTP, or HTTPS with a CA-Issued certificate. The Onion Service is served over HTTPS with a Self-Signed certificate. The Onion Service is served with a script from an insecure URL. The Onion Service is served over HTTPS with an expired Certificate.

  2. Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance. Circumvent censorship. | How can we help?

  3. When browsing an Onion Service, Tor Browser displays different onion icons in the address bar indicating the security of the current webpage. An onion means: The Onion Service is served over HTTP, or HTTPS with a CA-Issued certificate. The Onion Service is served over HTTPS with a Self-Signed certificate. An onion with a red slash means: The Onion Service is served with a script from an insecure URL. An onion with caution sign means: The Onion Service is served over HTTPS with an expired ...

  4. If you have exhausted general troubleshooting steps, it's possible that your connection to Tor is censored. In that case, connecting with one of the built-in censorship circumvention methods in Tor Browser can help. Connection Assist can automatically choose one for you using your location. If Connection Assist is unable to facilitate the connection to Tor, you can configure Tor Browser to use one of the built-in circumvention methods manually. To use bridges and access other censorship ...

  5. What are these red and blue dots indicating possible censorship events? We run an anomaly-based censorship-detection system that looks at estimated user numbers over a series of days and predicts the user number in the next days. If the actual number is higher or lower, this might indicate a possible censorship event or release of censorship ...

  6. Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance. Circumvent censorship. | Our website is blocked by a censor. Can Tor Browser help users access our website?

  7. What is a .onion or what are onion services? Onion services allow people to browse but also to publish anonymously, including publishing anonymous websites. Onion services are also relied on for metadata-free chat and file sharing, safer interaction between journalists and their sources like with SecureDrop or OnionShare, safer software updates ...

  8. What is Tor? The name "Tor" can refer to several different components. Tor is a program you can run on your computer that helps keep you safe on the Internet. It protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from ...

  9. Why is it called Tor? Tor is the onion routing network. When we were starting the new next-generation design and implementation of onion routing in 2001-2002, we would tell people we were working on onion routing, and they would say "Neat. Which one?" Even if onion routing has become a standard household term, Tor was born out of the actual ...

  10. OnionShare is an open source tool for securely and anonymously sending and receiving files using Tor onion services. It works by starting a web server directly on your computer and making it accessible as an unguessable Tor web address that others can load in Tor Browser to download files from you, or upload files to you. It doesn't require ...

  11. The Tor community is opening up its day-to-day conversations by bridging our IRC community to the Matrix network. For regular Tor users, it means that you can chat with us using a friendly App like room or the #tor IRC channel are connected: whichever platform you chose, your message will be shared on both platforms.

  12. Users in China need to take a few steps to circumvent the Great Firewall and connect to the Tor network. To get an updated version of Tor Browser, try the Telegram bot first: @gettor_bot. If that doesn't work, you can send an email to with the subject "windows", "macos", or "linux" for the respective operating system.

  13. network censorship / censura de red. A veces el acceso directo a la red Tor lo bloquea tu proveedor de Internet (ISP) o un gobierno. El Navegador Tor incluye algunas herramientas de elusión para evitar estos bloqueos, como puentes, transportes conectables, o GetTor.

  14. Download Tor Browser to experience real private browsing without tracking, surveillance, or censorship. Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance. Circumvent censorship. | Tor Metrics.

  15. Defiéndete de la vigilancia de red y el análisis de tráfico. Elude la censura. | ¿Soy completamente anónimo si uso Tor?

  16. The Tor community is opening up its day-to-day conversations by bridging our IRC community to the Matrix network. For regular Tor users, it means that you can chat with us using a friendly App like Element. The room or the #tor IRC channel are connected: whichever platform you chose, your message will be shared on both platforms.

  17. SOCKS5 es un protocolo de Internet usado por Tor. Envía el tráfico a través de la red Tor en lugar de hacerlo desde tu dirección IP hacia la red abierta. Es un proxy de propósito general que se asienta en la capa 5 del modelo OSI y utiliza el método del túnel. Las aplicaciones que ejecutas con SOCKS5 serán conscientes del túnel, pero puedes impedir la correlación de identidades si lo configuras correctamente.

  18. Unduh Tor Browser Unduh Tor Browser untuk pengalaman penjelajahan privat yang sesungguhnya tanpa pelacakan, pengawasan, atau penyensoran.

  19. Download Tor Browser. Download Tor Browser to experience real private browsing without tracking, surveillance, or censorship. Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance.

  20. Wie kann ich mit Tor Project-Teams chatten? Die Tor-Community hat lange Zeit viele alltägliche Aktivitäten über das IRC-Netzwerk OFTC abgewickelt. Das IRC hat sich für uns bewährt, und unsere IRC-Community hat sich im Laufe der Jahre weiterentwickelt, indem neue Leute hinzugekommen sind und neue Kanäle für bestimmte Bedürfnisse in der Organisation entstanden sind.

  21. How to install little-t-tor? Attention: These instructions are meant for installing For instructions on installing Tor Browser, refer to

  22. Defiéndete de la vigilancia de red y el análisis de tráfico. Elude la censura. | ¿Cómo funcionan las claves desconectadas ed25519? ¿Qué necesito saber?

  23. Lorsque vous accédez à un site web qui utilise un service en onion, le navigateur Tor affichera dans la barre d'URL une icône en forme d'oignon qui indique l'état de votre connexion : sécurisée et utilisant un service en onion. Pour en savoir plus sur les services en onion, lisez.