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  1. Jun 5, 2020 · How To: Elevate a Netcat Shell to a Meterpreter Session for More Power & Control ; How To: Create a Bind Shell in Python

  2. Apr 4, 2014 · perhaps a mod will be kind enough to move the below into his question below. you cant go public without a domain. DNS stands for Domain Name Server. By purchasing a domain your site will get listed in the server. So when people type in (which hosting on kali might be an indicator) they will be directed to your site.

  3. Nov 25, 2015 · Well met my friends, allow me to express my gratitude for this site and the information provided. I am honored. Also, please forgive my ignorance. I have much to learn but am dedicated. I had some questions but often the answer comes simply in the asking. In asking I was able to search the answers. I have edited this post with this thought to myself and all those who are new. Your answers are out there. You only need ask the question and search.

  4. Apr 28, 2015 · The author got well out over his skis and assumed all master lock 1500's are the flash they aren't. This won't work for many like those with serial numbers starting with 909, 910 etc. The resistant number doesn't go in the first position for starters, and you dont add 5.

  5. Apr 12, 2018 · To name just a few companies, VK, µTorrent, and ClixSense all suffered significant data breaches at some point in the past. The leaked password databases from those and other online sites can be used to understand better how human-passwords are created and increase a hacker's success when performing brute-force attacks.

  6. Mar 17, 2017 · Hey guys, I am new to this whole stuff. Been reading some guides and tutorial and I think I'm getting the hang of it. Thing is, I am trying to hack into a neighbor's pc (I have his permission). All of the recoinnesance and exploiting tools I see already asume you have your victim's IP address, which I do not have. The most I've been able to get is his MAC address by sniffing the traffic with airodump-ng. Is there any way to get the victim's IP with the MAC address or by network sniffing? (Wir...

  7. Apr 27, 2015 · Maybe the password wasn't cracked. Perhaps the "active directory" (or other autentication management service - beats me) gave the same IP address (as the original owner - who maybe was logged at the same time or recently) to the spoofed MAC NIC and therefore he/she gained access.

  8. Apr 30, 2016 · His idea is to build a web manager/monitoring system for the University's cluster, something like the ...

  9. Mar 21, 2016 · Before there was an Apple computer, Mac, iPod, or iPhone, Steve Jobs and his partner, Steve Wozniak, were developing a tool that became known as the Blue Box in 1972. This tool was capable of replicating the audio tones used by the telephone company (yes, children, once upon a time, their was just one telephone company in the U.S.) to enable long-distance calls—without paying for them.

  10. Oct 11, 2015 · The day comes, and you're sitting at the back of the hall watching the headteacher drone on about grades. She finishes, and as your English teacherstands up and plugs his laptop into the projector to begin his presentation, you slip out of the door at the back of the hall.

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