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  1. 3 days ago · Both series have been initiated by the inaugural lecture delivered by Hans Beck (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) on March 7, 2023 which focused on a case study involving both intra-federal and extra-federal borders, the Mazi Plain between Boiotia and Attica: “Interpolis Cooperation and Competition: the Case of Southern Boiotia”. Beck addressed the entanglement between local and regional vectors and the impact their dynamic change had on Boiotia’s southern borderlands.

  2. 23 hours ago · 1974: Playmobil by Hans Beck; 1995: Catan by Klaus Teuber; Transportation Original Laufmaschine of 1817; the first bicycle Benz Patent-Motorwagen A Reitwagen replica at the Mercedes-Benz Museum Otto Lilienthal testing one of his gliders (1895) The Daimler Motor-Lastwagen was the world's first truck.

  3. 2 days ago · Beck supervised the work of three successive military directors, Colonel Hans Oster, Colonel Henning von Tresckow, and Colonel Claus Schenck von Stauffenberg. All three attempted to overthrow the Nazi regime, with different strategies shaped by the structure of their conspiratorial networks and the pressure of wartime conditions.

  4. 3 days ago · Mercy of Fire. Malcolm Lowry. Issue 26, Summer-Fall 1961. But never fall from fealty to light. You said, Melville? Now, by God, sir, why not? The pall is comfortable enough; as soon rot. There as another place; once being well met, The beauty of the dark is there’s no sight. Of that light you speak of! What lamps are lit.

  5. 2 days ago · Nachdem es zuletzt beim Verlag C. H. Beck schon Aufregung gab, weil der inzwischen als rechtspopulistischer Verschwörungsideologe sehr umtriebige Hans-Georg Maaßen dort ebenfalls noch als Autor ...

  6. 3 days ago · In Bad Arolsen in Hessen befindet sich das weltweit größte Archiv über die Opfer und die Überlebenden des NS-Regimes: UNESCO Welt-Dokumentenerbe, aber noch immer wenig bekannt. Interessante Informationen bietet unsere Timeline zur Geschichte. Mehr über uns. Besuchen Sie unser Online-Archiv!

  7. 3 days ago · The German town of Bad Arolsen is home to the world’s largest archive on the victims and survivors of the Nazi regime: despite belonging to UNESCO’s Memory of the World, it is still not well known. Our history timeline has further interesting information. More about us. Visit the Online Archive!