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  1. A place to discuss Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and any of Tolkien's work! Bernard Hill appreciation post. Article on Bernard Hill's unmatched Oscar record: Never before has there been a man who looks exactly like his name as much as Bernard looks like a Bernard. I don’t know, Bernard in Four Weddings and a Funeral is pretty spot on as well.

  2. Jul 9, 2021 · Bernard Hill was a huge fan and made his own audition tape. He originally read for Gandalf, but the time commitment deterred him from pursuing it any further (the filmmakers had McKellen in mind for the role, anyway) and he accepted the role of Theoden, over early candidates Patrick Stewart and Kevin Conway.

  3. Bernard Hill Dies Age 79. “I go to my fathers. And even in their mighty company I shall not now be ashamed.”. RIP to a real one. Theoden has always been one of my favorite characters, and while nothing is perfect, I think Hill did a wonderful job portraying him. Hail the victorious dead.

  4. Aug 12, 2023 · Bernard Hill is a great actor but Smith comes off as kind of a lovable but incapable doofus. The man was HIGHLY regarded in the transatlantic shipping community and had an almost perfect safety record leading up to the sinking.

  5. May 9, 2024 · Elijah's farewell to Bernard Hill, with Viggo's portrait as illustration. This story's told either in the Appendices or the commentary, but the photo was taken the night Viggo convinced everyone to camp out on location in order to get a sunrise shot the next morning. Originally, it was just to be "The Three Hunters", but when the rest of the ...

  6. I thought the same thing too. He looked much older than he actually was when Titanic was filmed. He was in his early 50s back then. RIP Mr. Bernard Hill. You're acting was stupendous! I swear I thought the same too, but I think we’re all thinking of David Warner, who played Lovejoy and passed about 2 years ago.

  7. Hail the victorious dead. RIP Bernard: thank you for your inspirational portrayal of King Theoden: it will stand for generations. Soo…I am just going to spend the rest of the day crying! goodbye King, thank you for one of the most iconic scenes I've ever witnessed in a movie theater. HAIL THE VICTORIOUS DEAD!

  8. Bernard Hill, as Theodin, is not only on par with he rest of them, but he gets some of the most impactful scenes/lines in the movies and somehow manages to add so much depth to them it hurts. From the sorrow in his first scene of him coming out of the fog and realizing his son is dead to his speech at the Ride of the Rohirrim.

  9. Hill, playing the Captain, smiles proudly on the deck as the Titanic embarks and Tom Servo chimes in with an enthusiastic “I’m gonna sink this bitch!”. Wife and I say “I know your face” to each other on a weekly basis. Iconic line reading in this household.

  10. Bernard Hill: Lord Of The Rings and Titanic actor dies aged 79. Out of doubt, out of dark, to the day's rising. he rode singing in the sun, sword unsheathing. Hope he rekindled, and in hope ended; over death, over dread, over doom lifted. out of loss, out of life, unto long glory. Hail Théoden King.