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  1. 7 hours ago · Now it isn't the MCU's big fix or saviour, but this new dynamic duo have definitely brought the magic back to Marvel.Maybe even chance for a bit of a factory reset. Naturally, Deadpool's chronic self-awareness - which he isn't afraid to unleash, and more importantly Marvel doesn't seem afraid to let him - makes the merc with a mouth the perfect spokesperson for the fans, calling Marvel on their bullshit,

  2. 1 day ago · 十全八美劇情:由Tim Doyle開發的70年代家庭喜劇《The Kids Are Alright》講述一個愛爾蘭裔的天主教家庭 – Cleary一家。在美國最為動盪時期的洛杉磯工人階級鄰里中,Mike及Peggy

  3. 1 day ago · 吸血鬼後裔第一季劇情:CW的《吸血鬼日記 The Vampire Diaries》及《吸血鬼始祖 The Originals》共同衍生劇《吸血鬼後裔 Legacies》背景設置在Salvatore學校裡,17歲的Hope