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  1. Fra Angelico [1] (eredeti neve Guido di Pietro, rendjében felvett neve pedig Fra' Giovanni da Fiesole) ( Vicchio, 1395 k. – Róma, 1455. február 18.) Domonkos-rendi szerzetes, firenzei festő, az olasz reneszánsz quattrocento időszakának jelentős képzőművésze.

  2. Fra Angelico, orig. Guido di Pietro also known as Beato (“Blessed”) Angelico , (born c. 1400, Vicchio, Florence [Italy]—died Feb. 18, 1455, Rome), Italian painter and Dominican friar active in Florence. He entered the monastery of San Domenico at Fiesole sometime between 1420 and 1422 and began his artistic career by painting illuminated manuscripts and altarpieces.

  3. Fra Angelico se narodil jako Guido di Pietro ve Vicchiu poblíž Fiesole, v toskánské provincii Mugello někdy koncem 14. století. Přesné datum není známo. O jeho rodičích rovněž nic nevíme, má se za to, že nepocházel z chudých poměrů. Ještě jako chlapec požádal o vstup do kláštera San Domenico ve Florencii známého ...

  4. www.fra-angelico.comFraAngelico

    Guido di Pietro, known as Fra Angelico was born in the Republic of Florence around 1395 in a small town in the rural region of Tuscany called the Mugello. The earliest document mentioning Fra Angelico dates from October 17, 1417 which names him as a painter in the town of Vicchio. In 1418-1419, he became a member of the Dominican Order at ...

  5. In his style, Fra Angelico merged the late Gothic Italian style with the new language of the Renaissance. An example of this is the architecture’s spatial depth, which, while in keeping with Brunelleschi’s recommendation to occupy the center of a square and unadorned stage, nevertheless shows some of the errors present in Angelico’s early works.

  6. › wiki › Fra_AngelicoFra Angelico - Wikipedia

    Fra Angelico, (c. 1395 – 18 februarie 1455) a fost un pictor renascentist timpuriu, cel mai valoros reprezentant al pictorilor de inspirație sacră din quattrocento. Este menționat în lucrarea lui Giorgio Vasari Viețile artiștilor ca având un "talent rar și desăvârșit".

  7. Mar 22, 2022 · Fra Angelico was a famous early Renaissance painter in Florence. This lovely book, released in connection with the first major exhibit of Fra Angelico’s artwork since the show in Florence in 1955, will include over 70 works, sketches, and manuscript illuminations spanning the Renaissance painter’s career from around 1410 until 1455.