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  1. Author: Farhat. This is a must read story of Zainab bint Muhammad, the eldest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her). The story shows the importance of having a great Patience in Islam. Abu al-‘As ibn Rabi’ was the husband of Zainab and was loved by Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) very much.

  2. Mar 30, 2024 · Zainab was born when the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was thirty years old. She was the eldest daughter of the Prophet. When she reached the age of marriage, her paternal aunt Hala bint Khawailid sought her hand in marriage for her son, Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi. This marriage was initially blessed and well-received by everyone.

  3. Zaynab was the daughter of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Khadijah, the first Muslim. She was married to her cousin Abul' As bin Rabi', who belonged to the family of 'Abdul Shams bin 'Abdul Manaf His mother was Halah bint Khuwaylid, Khadijah's sister. Zaynab was the Prophet's eldest daughter and the first of his offspring.

  4. Zainab, (RadhiyAllahu ‘anhaa) was born ten years before the Prophethood, when Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam) was 30 years old. The name Zainab is a combination of two different words; ‘Zain’ which means ‘ornament’, and ‘Ab,’ which means ‘father;’ thus her name means ‘the ornament or the jewel of her father.’.

  5. Oct 16, 2017 · Zaynab was the only wife of the Prophet besides Khadijah bint Khuwaylid who passed on before her beloved husband. She was honored as a Mother of the Believers, as his other wives were. Zaynab was the “lucky” wife who had her husband lead the Funeral Prayer over her body when she returned to Allah. The Mother of the Believers, Zaynab, earned ...

  6. Zaynab bint Jaḥsh (Arabic: زينب بنت جحش; c. 590–641), was the first cousin and the seventh wife of Muhammad and therefore, considered by Muslims to be a Mother of the Believers. [2] Early life [ edit ]

  7. Zainab binti Muhammad. Islam (sebagai kerajaan Teokrasi ). Zainab Binti Muhammad adalah putri sulung Muhammad Shalallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. [1] Ia adalah anak perempuan dari istri Muhammad yang bernama Khadijah binti Khuwailid. [1] Lahir 23 tahun sebelum Hijrah/600 M di Kota Mekah dan wafat 8 H/ 629 M dalam usia 29 tahun di Kota Madinah .