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  1. Feb 5, 2015 · Sayyida Sukayna bint al-Husayn (117 AH, Madinah) Posted on February 5, 2015 by Talib Ghaffari Sayyida (our mistress) Sukayna was a blessed daughter of our master Imām Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī ibn Abī-Ṭālib and Lady Rabāb, may Allāh be pleased with them all , and a princess of the family of the Prophet ṣall-Allāhu ʿalaihi wa-sallam .

  2. Sayyida Sakina bint Al-Husayn Extracted from She is Amina the daughter of al-Husayn, the son of Ali, the son of Abu Taleb (may Allah be pleased with them all). Her mother is Rabab Bint Umri’ al-Qays, the son of Adiyy, the son of Aws, the master of Banu Kalb.

  3. Sakina bint Husayn asl ismi Amina boʻlib, ( arabcha: سكينة بِنْت ٱلْحُسَيْن) hijriy 47-51- yillar yaʼni 667-671-yillar orasida tug‘ilganlar, 117 hijriy yaʼni 735-yil rabi’ul-avval oyining 5-kunida vafot etgan) Husayn ibn Ali va Rubob binti Imro al-Qaysning qizi edi, hijriy yillar bilan hozirgi yillar orasida tafovut ...

  4. Sakina bint Hussain. Sakina bint Al-Imam Al-Hussain. Native name. سکینة بنت الحسین. Born. (maybe before 51/671) Died. According to the majority of sources: Rabi' I 5, 117/April 4, 735. Bab al-Saghir Cemetery, Syria.

  5. Bibi Sakina (as) was the youngest daughter of Imam Husayn (A.S). Sakina is a derivative of "Sakoon" meaning "Peace". Imam Husayn (A.S) used to pray for a daughter in his night prayers (Salatul Layl), a daughter who would give him peace, and Allah (SWT) granted him his wish and blessed him with Bibi Sakina (AS).

  6. Al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī, (born 11 January 626, Medina, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]—died October 10, 680, Karbalāʾ, Iraq), hero in Shiʿi Islam, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fāṭima and son-in-law ʿAlī (the first Imam of the Shi'a and the fourth of the Sunni Rashidun caliphs ). ^ abcdefg Veccia Vaglieri 1971.

  7. The prisoners were held in Damascus for a year, during which Husayn's daughter, Sakina bint Husayn, is believed to have passed away due to grief and sorrow. The people of Damascus began to frequent the prison, and Zaynab and Ali ibn Husayn used that as an opportunity to further propagate the message of Husayn and explain to the people the reason for Husayn's uprising.