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  1. Dec 20, 2023 · The traditional NSU brand is celebrating its birthday. In 1873, Christian Schmidt and Heinrich Stoll founded “Mechanische Werkstätte Schmidt & Stoll” in Riedlingen for the production of knitting machines, which later evolved into NSU Motorenwerke AG and ultimately into today’s Audi site in Neckarsulm. Even NSU’s name is closely associated with Neckarsulm, as the company name is derived from the city on the Neckar and Sulm rivers. NSU impressively demonstrates the development of ...

  2. Az NSU Motorenwerke AG vagy egyszerűen NSU egy 1873-ban alapított német gyár volt, ahol elsősorban autók, motorkerékpárok és kerékpárok készültek. A Volkswagen 1969 -ben felvásárolta, és egyesítette az Auto Unionnal , így létrehozva az Audi NSU Auto Union AG-t, melyből később kialakult a ma ismert Audi .

  3. NSU Motorenwerke AG. NSU was a German manufacturer of cars and motorcycles founded in 1873, and which was acquired by Volkswagen in 1969. VW merged the company with Auto Union to eventually evolve into Audi as it is known today. NSU began as a knitting machine manufacturer in the town of Riedlingen on the Danube in 1873, and moved to Neckarsulm ...

  4. Contents 1History 1.1Origin 1.2After WW II 1.3Volkswagen Group takeover 1.4Lawn mower engine 1.5NSU Museum 1.6Notable riders 2NSU cars 2.1NSU- (and NSU-Pipe-) Cars 1905–1918 2.2NSU Cars 1919–1931 2.3NSU Car Models Post War ...

  5. NSU Motorenwerke AG, or NSU, was a German manufacturer of automobiles, motorcycles and pedal cycles, founded in 1873. Acquired by Volkswagen Group in 1969, VW merged NSU with Auto Union, creating Audi NSU Auto Union AG, ultimately Audi. The name NSU originated as an abbreviation of "Neckarsulm", the city where NSU was located.

  6. Feb 27, 2023 · the NSU Ro 80 became the first German automobile to be voted Car of the Year. On March 10, 1969, a contract was signed to merge NSU Motorenwerke AG and the Ingolstadt-based Auto Union GmbH under the umbrella of the Volkswagen Group. With retroactive effect from January 1, 1969, AUDI NSU AUTO UNION AG was created with its headquarters in

  7. NSU Motorenwerke AG) је немачки прозвођач бицикала, мотоцикала, скутера и аутомобила, основана 1873. године. Компанију су основали Кристијан Шмит и Хаинрих Штол, са седиштем у Ридлингену , а касније 1880. године пресељено у Некарсулм .