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  1. But he was confronted with the powerful resistance of Chalukya king Pulakesin II of Vatapi. Hence Harsha Vardhana could not extend the limits of his Empire to the south of the Narmada River. The Chalukya war of Harsha Vardhan destined him as the paramount ruler of north, who had no supremacy over the kingdoms of south India. Conquests in Deccan ...

  2. Oct 30, 2023 · Vardhan Dynasty. The Vardhan dynasty was a prominent Indian ruling family that flourished during the 6th and 7th centuries AD. Founded by King Pushyabhuti, its most famous ruler was Harsha Vardhan. Harsha's reign saw significant cultural and economic growth, fostering the spread of Buddhism and literature.

  3. Harsha Vardhana defeated the rulers of Malwa and Kanauj. Rajya Vardhan's and Harsha's sister Rajyasri had got married to the Maukhari king, Grahavarman. Later after some years he had been defeated and killed by King Deva Gupta of Malwa and after the death of her husband Rajyasri had been cast into prison by the victor.

  4. After his brother’s death, Harsh become the king but the incidents connected with his accession throw light on the fact that despite a younger brother of a dead king, the selection of Harsha as the next ruler was discussed among his ministers and they duly elected him on account of his qualities.

  5. Harsha followed the traditional monarchical system of administration which had existed in India during the earlier imperial periods. His time having been nearer to the Gupta Age, the various features of the imperial Gupta administration influenced Harsha's administration to a very large extent. Yet, there were new innovations in accordance with the needs of the time. Moreover, every great monarch had his personal designs to shape his administration, and Harsha too went by his own ...

  6. Jul 24, 2018 · हर्षवर्धन एक भारतीय सम्राट थे जो पुष्यभूति परिवार से संबंधित थे। हर्षवर्धन का जन्म 580 ईस्वी के आसपास हुआ था और इनको वर्धन वंश के संस्थापक प्रभाकर वर्धन का पुत्र माना जाता है। अपनी प्रतिष्ठा ...