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  1. Nov 23, 2020 · NASA's Curious Universe. Season 1 Nov 23, 2020. Listen Now! NASA’s Curious Universe. Episode Title: “Inside a Black Hole”. Introducing NASA’s Curious Universe. Our universe is a wild and wonderful place. Join NASA astronauts, scientists, and engineers on a new adventure each week — all you need is your curiosity.

  2. Our goal is the simulation of black holes and other extreme spacetimes to gain a better understanding of Relativity, and the physics of exotic objects in the distant cosmos. The SXS project is supported by Canada Research Chairs, CFI, CIfAR, Compute Canada, Max Planck Society, NASA, NSERC, the NSF, Ontario MEDI, the Sherman Fairchild Foundation ...

  3. Apr 10, 2019 · The stunning new image shows the shadow of the supermassive black hole in the center of Messier 87 (M87), an elliptical galaxy some 55 million light-years from Earth. This black hole is 6.5 billion times the mass of the Sun. Catching its shadow involved eight ground-based radio telescopes around the globe, operating together as if they were one ...

  4. Apr 12, 2021 · Black holes are some of the most bizarre and fascinating objects in the cosmos. Astronomers want to study lots of them, but there’s one big problem – black holes are invisible! Since they don’t emit any light, it’s pretty tough to find them lurking in the inky void of space. Fortunately, there are a few […]

  5. Jun 14, 2013 · Black holes are the densest objects known. Stellar-mass black holes form when massive stars run out of fuel and collapse, crushing up to 20 times the sun’s mass into compact objects less than 75 miles (120 kilometers) wide. By Francis Reddy. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. A new study by astronomers at NASA, Johns Hopkins ...

  6. This black hole is 6.5 billion times the mass of the Sun and resides at the center of the galaxy M87. Credit: Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration. Black holes are some of the most fascinating and mind-bending objects in the cosmos. The very thing that characterizes a black hole also makes it hard to study: its intense gravity.

  7. Jul 1, 2021 · The signal was a product of two inspiraling black holes that generated a new black hole, along with a huge amount of energy that rippled across space-time as gravitational waves. If Hawking’s area theorem holds, then the horizon area of the new black hole should not be smaller than the total horizon area of its parent black holes.

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