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  1. Jawed Karim's Personal Website; Jawed's YouTube Profile; Cache of Jawed's YouTube Profile in 2008; Youniversity Ventures; He went off to college to make his fortune – The News-Gazette (16 October 2006)

  2. Jawed Karim is a Co-Founder of the popular video-sharing website YouTube. Prior to YouTube, he was a software architect at PayPal. Jawed holds degrees in computer science from UIUC and from Stanford University.

  3. Jun 1, 2022 · Unlike Karim though, ... This is the incredible story behind one of YouTube's founders, Jawed Karim. He's impact on the world is far greater beyond YouTube too.

  4. Oct 12, 2006 · After graduating from high school, Jawed Karim chose to go to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in part because it was the school that the co-founder of Netscape, Marc Andreessen ...

  5. Jawed Karim (kelahiran 28 Oktober 1979) adalah insinyur perangkat lunak dan pengusaha internet Amerika Serikat keturunan Bangladesh - Jerman. Ia adalah salah satu pendiri YouTube dan orang pertama yang mengunggah video ke situs tersebut. Video pertama situs, "Me at the zoo", diunggah pada tanggal 23 April 2005 dan telah ditonton lebih dari 310 ...

  6. Feb 18, 2022 · Bangladeshi German American Jawed Karim co-founded YouTube along with Steve Chen and Chad Hurley in 2005. He uploaded the first ever YouTube video, called "M...

    • 1 min
    • 32.1K
    • The Juggernaut
  7. Jawed Karim, ameriško-nemški programer, *1979, Merseburg, Nemška demokratična republika. Je soustanovitelj priljubljene spletne strani za izmenjavanje videoposnetkov YouTube. Življenje in delo. Karim se je rodil leta 1979 v Mersebrugu, v Vzhodni Nemčiji, in se leta 1980 preselil v Zahodno Nemčijo. Njegov oče Naimul Karim je po rodu iz ...

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