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  1. Giorgio Vasari, biograful celor mai mari artisti. Pictorul şi istoricul de artã Giorgio Vasari este unul dintre fondatorii mitului creatorului şi al condiţiei de geniu. Dacã Vasari ar mai lua încã o datã condeiul în mânã, dacã ne-ar mai putea descrie o datã opera si viaţa sa, la 500 de ani de la naşterea sa, am avea atunci de-a ...

  2. Giorgio Vasari ( 30. heinäkuuta 1511 Arezzo, Firenzen tasavalta – 27. kesäkuuta 1574 Firenze, Toscanan suurherttuakunta) [1] oli italialainen taidemaalari ja arkkitehti, joka kuitenkin tunnetaan italialaisista taiteilijoista kertovasta kirjastaan Taiteilijaelämäkertoja (1550). Vuosisatojen ajan kirja vaikutti siihen tapaan, jolla ...

  3. Oct 14, 2023 · Email: / Phone: +44 7429 011000. Giorgio Vasari played a critical role in the Renaissance era, helping to bring about the earliest forms of what we now know as art history writing. He was also an accomplished painter and architect. Vasari produced a number of biographies on the lives of other famous artists from around this ...

  4. Giorgio Vasari (July 30, 1511 – June 27, 1574) was an Italian painter and architect, known best for his biographies of Italian artists. Vasari had the opportunity to meet Michelangelo and some of the leading humanists of the time. He was consistently employed by patrons in the Medici family in Florence and Rome, and he worked in Naples ...

  5. Giorgio Vasari was an Italian painter, architect, engineer, writer, and historian, best known for his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, considered the ideological foundation of art-historical writing, and the basis for biographies of several Renaissance artists, including Leonardo da Vinci.

  6. Giorgio Vasari (* 30. júl 1511, Arezzo, Taliansko – † 27. jún 1574, Florencia) bol taliansky maliar, spisovateľ, historik a architekt. V súčasnosti je známy pre svoje biografie talianskych umelcov a považuje sa za ideologického zakladateľa disciplíny dejín umenia, považuje sa teda za prvého kunsthistorika .