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  1. Even if lab-created diamonds are more eco-friendly than mined, that’s an arguably inappropriate label to put on an item produced with large amounts of nonrenewable energy. If a cookie contains 30 percent less sugar, that doesn’t make it a health food. Sylvain Goldberg. Very few company pages talk about the eco-impact of lab-created diamonds.

  2. Jan 15, 2020 · Sylvain Goldberg on the alpha and omega of the diamond industry (2,155) Rio Tinto Reveals Largest Red Diamond At Preview In New York (2,153) Blue Diamond Prices Lift Due to Supply Shortages (1,571)

  3. Judaism and Women’s Rights: A Complex Tapestry. Judaism, one of the oldest monotheistic religions, boasts a rich tradition and history when it comes to the role and status of women. While many Jewish communities and traditions respect women and value their contributions to society and the family, certain practices and interpretations within ...

  4. Humanism states that human values only make sense in the context of human life. An assumed non-human existence after death cannot therefore be included as part of the environment in which values must function. The here-and-now physical world of the human senses is the world relevant to ethical concerns, goals and aspirations.

  5. In 1994, one of the most shocking and fastest genocides in history took place in Rwanda, where, in just 100 days, an estimated 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were slaughtered by Hutu extremists. This genocide was the result of deep-rooted ethnic tensions, political manipulation, and hate-fueling propaganda.

  6. One of Hannah Arendt’s most influential works is “ The Origins of Totalitarianism “. In this book, she explores how totalitarian regimes, like the Nazi regime in Germany and the Stalin regime in the Soviet Union, managed to grasp power. Hannah Arendt believed that these regimes were founded on false worldviews, created to manipulate the ...

  7. By looking at diamonds formed in the mantle, researchers can get an idea of what’s going on down there. And they aren’t looking for perfect diamonds. What jewelers see as flaws in diamonds, geologists may find priceless. Which brings us back to the inclusions that brought us here in the first place. In Science, researchers announced they ...