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  1. Auto ads automatically adjust to every screen. No need to do anything extra for your mobile or responsive site. “. On long pages we tried to put code for each ad unit separately, but it was not very convenient. That’s why placing Auto ads helped us save time when setting up and managing ad units. Elena Polyaeva, Chief Editor,

  2. Google AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google.

  3. Mar 30, 2017 · From all around the world, over 2,000,000 small and large publishers use AdSense to earn money through advertising. Before you take that step for your own website and apply for a Google AdSense account, there’s plenty to consider: from where to place ads, to the type of products those ads sell, we realize the importance of keeping the content on your site relevant to your audience and keeping your audience happy.

  4. To make money with Google AdSense, it's important that you follow these Google AdSense best practices. They will not only ensure that you continue to increase your Google AdSense revenue, but they will also help you ensure that your site itself continues to grow and flourish. 1. Experiment with different ad units.

  5. If you receive an email from AdSense saying your account can't be activated due to a duplicate account, you need to close your other account, sign in to AdSense and confirm that it's closed. We'll then proceed with activating your AdSense account. Note: Publishers whose accounts have been terminated for invalid traffic or policy violations will ...

  6. Sign in to your AdSense account. Click Payments Verification check. Enter the PIN exactly as it appears in your PIN mail. Note: If you enter your PIN incorrectly 3 times, your account will stop showing ads. Click Submit. Your payments address is now verified. You'll be paid out when your account balance reaches the payments threshold, as long ...

  7. サイトを AdSense にリンク. 必要な作業は、サイトにコードを 1 つ追加するだけです。. あとは収益が伸びるよう Google がお手伝いします。. 個別のサポートをご希望の場合は、AdSense スペシャリストにご連絡ください。. Google AdSense を使用してウェブサイトを ...

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