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  1. Jul 31, 2019 · Die Bergholz, Lyrikerin, Opfer des Stalinismus und – zusammen mit Vera Inber – eine Rundfunkstimme, die den Leningradern über das schlimmste Nazi-Kriegsverbrechen half. Die Bergholz, oszillierend in Erzählungen zwischen Kindertagen, Sowjet-Aufbruch, Nazi-Überfall, Stalin-Berija Terror, ist eine Poetin historischer Zeit.

  2. May 16, 2020 · May 16, 2020 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Olga Bergholz, who was called the voice of hope of the besieged Leningrad. Reading poetry of the poetess, her lively voice can be heard in the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library in the audio recordings of the famous besieged reporter Matvey Frolov.

  3. Olga Fiódorovna Bergholz errusieraz: О́льга Фё́доровна Бергго́льц San Petersburgo, 1910eko maiatzaren 16a greg. /maiatzaren 3a jul. - Leningrad , 1975eko azaroaren 13a ) poeta sobietar ospetsua, Leningradeko setioan irratian egindako lanagatik ezaguna, non hiriaren indarraren eta erabakiaren ikurra izan zen.

  4. May 12, 2023 · May 16, 2023 marks the 113th anniversary of the birth of Olga Bergholz, who was called the “voice of hope” of besieged Leningrad, a poetess who has become a symbol of an unbending spirit. She was born in 1910 in St. Petersburg in the family of a factory doctor who lived on the working outskirts of the capital in the Nevsky Zastava area. The first poetry of young Olga was published in 1925. Korney Chukovsky was interested in her literary success.

  5. Olga Fyodorovna Bergholz (Russian: Ольга Фёдоровна Берггольц; May 16 [O.S. May 3] 1910 – November 13, 1975) was a Soviet poet, writer, playwright and journalist. She is most famous for her work on the Leningrad radio during the city's blockade, when she became the symbol of city's strength and determination.

  6. Looking for Olga Bergholz? Find out information about Olga Bergholz. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia . It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Born May 3 , 1910, in St. Petersburg. Explanation of Olga Bergholz