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  1. Reykjavik University's focus is on science and engineering, computer science, business, and law. The University emphasises hands-on learning that prepares students for the challenges they will meet after graduation.

  2. Reykjavík University (RU; Icelandic: Háskólinn í Reykjavík) is the largest private university in Iceland with approximately 3,300 students. It is chartered by the Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Icelandic Industries, and the Confederation of Icelandic Employers.

  3. With RU's graduate programmes, students have an opportunity to conduct research and/or prepare for a career through an innovative, applied learning approach. Graduate programmes are 90-120 ECTS and take 1,5-2 years of full time study to complete.

  4. Reykjavik University (RU), Iceland´s largest private university, is a dynamic international university with over 3000 students offering a first rate education in one of the most unique countries in the world.

  5. Reykjavik University (RU), situated in the heart of Iceland’s capital, is a dynamic international university with 3.700 registered students and 250 permanent faculty and staff. RU focuses on research, excellence in teaching, entrepreneurship, technology development and cooperation with industry.

  6. Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, býður tæplega 700 námskeið á ári; rúmlega 500 í grunnnámi og u.þ.b. 160 á meistarastigi með þarfir nemenda og atvinnulífsins í huga.

  7. Reykjavík University is a private university, located in the heart of Iceland´s capital, Reykjavík. Housed in a brand new campus the University offers students first rate facilities. The University is a dynamic institution with over 3000 students and 500 faculty and staff and is committed to excellence in teaching and research.

  8. Reykjavik University (RU) is a young university with a strong commitment to excellence in research and teaching. It is Iceland‘s largest private university with approximately 3500 students.

  9. The RU part-time Executive MBA programme (EMBA) at Reykjavik University offers a four-semester-long journey to develop leaders who will positively influence business and society.

  10. besti ungi háskóli í heimi með færri en 5000 nemendur. Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, býður tæplega 700 námskeið á ári; rúmlega 500 í grunnnámi og u.þ.b. 160 á meistarastigi með þarfir nemenda og atvinnulífsins í huga.