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  1. Jan 10, 2022 · Gaius Marius (Gaius Marius) was born in 156 or 157 BCE in Cereatea near Arpinum in southern Lazio.He was one of the most famous Roman leaders. He became famous for defeating the Teutons and Cimbri tribes and carrying out a thorough reform of the Roman army, which was considered the third founder of Rome (after Romulus and Camillus).

  2. Occupation: Roman General and Consul. Born: Around 157 BC in Arpinum, Italy. Died: January 13, 86 BC in Rome, Italy. Best known for: One of Rome's greatest leaders and generals during the Roman Republic. Biography: Gaius Marius was one of the most important leaders of the Roman Republic. He was elected to consul a record seven times.

  3. Nov 21, 2023 · Gaius Marius (c. 157 BCE to 86 BCE) was an important military general and politician in the late Roman Republic. His rise in Rome is significant for his fairly humble beginnings, and he is an ...

  4. Dec 5, 2017 · The Marian Reforms were a turning point in ancient Roman military history. They were instituted by Gaius Marius in 107 BC and can be broken down into three major reforms: First, Marius established Rome’s first ever standing army (up until the Marian Reforms, Rome had simply enlisted its soldiers on a season-by-season basis and dissolved its ...

  5. Gaius Marius was one of the most remarkable and significant figures of the late Roman Republic. At a time when power tended to be restricted to a clique of influential families, he rose from relatively humble origins to attain the top office of consul. He even went on to hold the post an unprecedented seven times.

  6. Gaius Marius pochádzal z plebejskej rodiny a bol výrazným predstaviteľom skupiny populárov v Ríme – opieral sa predovšetkým o ľudové zhromaždenie. Prvýkrát sa preslávil počas vojny s Jugurthom (105 – 101 pred Kr.), keď pod velením Caecilia Metella úspešne bojoval proti numidskému kráľovi.

  7. Gaius Marius (natus anno 156 a.C.n. Cereatarum apud Arpinum; mortuus Romae die 13 Ianuarii 86 a.C.n. Romae) vir publicus ac militaris Romanus fuit. Gens [ recensere | fontem recensere ] Humili loco natus est ex ordine equestri Cereatarum.