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  1. 3 days ago · “Somebody up there has got it in for me,” Meryl Streep’s character grumbles in the film “Mamma Mia.” “I bet it’s my mother.” That sentiment could have been uttered by any of the mothers or daughters in Sarai Johnson’s stirring debut novel, which follows a family of Black women through four generations as they struggle to transcend their violent pasts.

  2. 3 days ago · Mamma Mia! “Veel gasten vergelijken me wel eens met Donna, de hoofdrolspeelster uit Mamma Mia. In die film speelde Meryl Streep die rol. Geen probleem om daarmee vergeleken te worden,” vertelt de B&B-eigenaresse in de kennismakingsaflevering vanB&B Vol Liefde 2024. “Net als Donna ben ik single en zoek ik nog mijn Pierce Brosnan.

  3. 3 days ago · Meryl Streep: la figlia Louisa Jacobson fa coming out su InstagramLo scorso 22 giugno Meryl Streep ha compiuto 75 anni. E proprio in occasione di questo importante festeggiamento, Louisa Jacobson, la figlia minore dell'attrice ha deciso di fare a mamma un 'regalo' speciale. Fonte: IOdonna - 9. / 75 Leggi di più »