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  1. Al Khwarizmi was a nineteenth century eminent and multi-faceted Persian mathematician, geographer and astronomer. In the House of Wisdom of Baghdad he was a scholar. His works was brought to Western World through Latin translation that had been conducted in the 12th century. The work on Arabic numerals highlights the decimal positional number system. Moreover, …

  2. Das Kitāb Ṣūrat al-Arḍ des Abū Ǧa‘far Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Ḫuwārizmī. Leipzig, 1926. Neugebauer, Otto. "The Astronomical Tables of al-Khwarizmi" Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter 4(2) (1962). Oaks, Jeffrey A. Was al-Khwarizmi an applied Algebraist?. The University of Indianapolis. Retrieved September 26, 2016. Rashed, Roshdi.

  3. Mar 4, 2019 · One of them was Abu Abdallah Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, better known as al-Khwarizmi, who we know lived between the years 780 and 850. Steeped in the mathematical knowledge of different civilisations, this author —about whose life few details are known— wrote more than a dozen books on arithmetic, geography and astronomy.

  4. › wiki › Al-Kindial-Kindi - Wikipedia

    Al-Kindi was born in Kufa to an aristocratic family of the Arabian tribe of the Kinda, descended from the chieftain al-Ash'ath ibn Qays, a contemporary of Muhammad. The family belonged to the most prominent families of the tribal nobility of Kufa in the early Islamic period, until it lost much of its power following the revolt of Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn al-Ash'ath.

  5. May 18, 2022 · Al-Khwarizmi is commonly nicknamed the ‘Father of Algebra’. The term algebra itself stems from the Arabic word ‘al-jabr’, which originates from al-Khwarizmi’s pivotal 9th-century manuscript on the subject. In addition to his major works on mathematics and science, al-Khwarizmi contributed significant works on geography and languages.

  6. Il matematico persiano Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi (محمد بن موسى الخوارزمي, 780 - 850) visse durante l'epoca d'oro del regime musulmano Abbaside a Baghdad. Lavorò presso la "Casa della Saggezza", che conteneva la prima grande collezione di libri accademici dopo la distruzione della Biblioteca di Alessandria.

  7. Sep 28, 2022 · The resources available to Al-Khwarizmi at this institute were invaluable to his studies in mathematics and astronomy. During the years 813-833 CE, Al-Khwarizmi produced most of his works; and since he could also communicate effectively in Arabic, he was able to take advantage of the vast academic literature produced in that language.