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  1. 9 hours ago · Italie Pour répondre aux défis stratégiques, Giorgia Meloni mobilise la défense plutôt que la diplomatie Dans un contexte de rivalité croissante entre elle et son ministre des affaires étrangères, Antonio Tajani, la présidente du conseil italien a fait appel à trois instituts liés au monde de la défense pour une démarche inédite.

  2. 9 hours ago · Ministerul Afacerilor Externe organizează, în perioada 24-26 iulie 2024, Reuniunea Anuală a Diplomației Române (RADR 2024), sub tema „Acțiunea diplomatică într-o lume instabilă”. La această manifestare participă și Florin-Trandafir Vasiloni, consulul general al României la Szeged-Ungaria. Găzduit de ministrul afacerilor externe Luminița Odobescu, evenimentul reuneşte şefii misiunilor diplomatice și consulare ale României, directorii institutelor culturale

  3. 9 hours ago · Belgium and Canada are close allies. Both have a stance of multilateralism and are members of NATO and Francophonie.The two nations have official bilingualism (with French being one of the official languages), and similar federal government systems owing in part to language tensions in both.

  4. 1 day ago · Da braucht es mehr Diplomatie". Sie trat auch für direkte Verhandlungen zwischen USA, Europa, der Nato, Russland und der Ukraine ein. Putin fühlt sich als Sieger

  5. 9 hours ago · Le chef de la diplomatie chinoise Wang Yi va rencontrer son homologue américain Antony Blinken au Laos en marge d’une réunion de l’Association des nations de l’Asie du Sud-Est (Asean), a ...

  6. 9 hours ago · Caporal (rés.) Moti Raveh, âgé de 37 ans, de la localité de Shani, opérateur d'engins du génie de la brigade Givati, est tombé au combat dans le sud de la bande de Gaza.

  7. 1 day ago · Since independence, with Jaja Wachuku as the first Minister for Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Relations, later called External Affairs, Nigerian foreign policy has been characterised by a focus on Africa as a regional power and by attachment to several fundamental principles: African unity and independence; capability to exercise hegemonic influence in the region: peaceful settlement of disputes; non-alignment and non-intentional interference in the internal affairs of other nations; and ...